Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Well I must do my blog tonight, I have been quite busy lately doing my cemeteries. I have now copied the names off of 6 pages from Lucie's Memramcook Cemetery images and I have page 7 all ready to add, then all I have left of Memramcook is page 8, so soon I shall be finished that one. Then next cemetery I intend on doing is the Bouctouche cemetery. As soon as Lucie's gets it on her website. I believe that this joint cemetery project that Lucie and I are doing will benefit many of you. But this would really not be possible so fast if Hector Boudreau, his wife Jeannita and Francis Leblanc had not taken all the images of those cemeteries. I do know that the cemeteries that I did with a pen and a book took a long time to do. So I would like to suggest to some of you who like hunting down ancestors to go to your nearest cemetery, copy or take photos of the names on the tombstones. It would be a great asset for many people.
Now if any of you come into my site and read this, I am helping a young lady with her family research , we are looking for the parents of Pierre Chayer or Chaille married to Blanche Roy, Pierre was born 1858 and Blanche 1875. If any of you surfed in and can help please add a coment at the bottom of this message. Oh and Pierre and Blanche were in Chicoutimi Quebec, Bagotville in 1901 and 1911.
Have a great day

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