Saturday, September 23, 2006

Well yesterday I went to the centre d'etude Acadienne to say goodbye to Lucie LeBlanc Consentino. When I arrived ,there were quite a few doing research. Lucie was looking at some records. We chatted a bit and decided to go to Fort Beausejour and to the Beaubassin site. Lucie told me each time she comes to New Brunswick she does her Fort Beausejour pilgrimage.

Arriving at Fort Beausejour, we looked over towards the water, the water was a rusty brown. It was very windy. Looking down from the Fort I thought to myself ,this is what the acadians at the fort probably saw as they looked out from the fort. Just to walk where our ancestors walked so many years ago is something I think very special.

Later we left Fort Beausejour and made our way to Fort Lawrence, formerly the village of Beaubassin. As you know Beaubassin was the first major settlement outside of Port Royal. That is where one of my ancestors Thomas a Robert Cormier settled, he became one of the most prosperous men in Beaubassin.

There is a monument erected in memory of the acadians who lived in Beaubassin, but the names are of the last acadians who were there, Thomas Cormier was not listed on the monument so he must not have been there at the time.

Beaubassin would be an ideal place to create a sort of replica of Beaubassin, something like the village acadien . People in old acadian costumes, some houses, church ,etc. It could be possible in the near future, as I am sure many of you would agree.

I hope you enjoyed today's blog.

Have a great day.

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