Friday, June 15, 2007

I opened my eyes this morning, and you will never guess what I saw. I saw the sun shining. Well that started my day off just great. smile. I do hope we have some warm weather to go along with it. Yesterday it felt like fall weather.
It doesn't matter tho just as long as we have nice weather in July or August because I am planning to go to Grand Pre, Port Royal and Fort Louisbourg. I have been to Grand Pre once, it is beautiful country, but I never had the chance to stay any length of time. This time I want to stop, take some photos. Next it will be off to Port Royal, that is really the place I want to see. Since many of my ancestors and yours probably, settled there before going to Beaubassin I want to walk where they possibly walked, where they brought up their families, and survived since we had harsher winters than in France. I want to take photos.
Next it will probably be off to Louisbourg, I want to go and see the Fort, maybe do the Cabot Trail. So those are my plans so far.
Well changing the subject, I have added another page to my website .This time I have added some marriages from Riviere-du-Loup Quebec. When I do a page I try to add photos relating to the page , and to add some music that is soothing. The music I chose for this page was Back from the forest by Gordon Lightfoot, a canadian writer singer. I love some of his songs.
Then I wanted a photo for Riviere Du Loup, did not want a map this time. So I searched until I found something I liked. The translation of Riviere Du Loup is
Wolf River . So what would be more fitting than a wolf near water?
So I hope if you do go search for marriages in my page you will enjoy it as well.
Have a great day

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