Saturday, May 23, 2009

Genealogy and Yard Sales

What would genealogy have to do with yard sales? Genealogy is about our ancestors, about their lives,about their history. Yard sales are sales where everyone gets rid of their stuff they don't want correct? What is the connection? Sometimes there is NO connection at all, but once in a very very long while there is that connection, because many folks are not into genealogy, they do not know what it is all about and the importance of genealogy .So they clean out their homes and put things in the sale, things that belonged to their parents or grandparents, old photo albums, important books, or diaries. Oh yes sometimes these precious things are thrown out. A photo of someone long ago named Marie Cormier, and they don't have a clue she was their great great grandmother, that is no good so onto the table it goes.So if I am lucky enough to be at the right yard sale at the right time and I have a chance to grab those items you can be sure that I will. In all my yard saling that I have gone to and going to, I am always on the lookup for things such as books, diaries ,photos,just in case some of those things relate to my own genealogy. So please wish me luck because it is now 640am and I am all dressed and ready to go. The sales start at eight am, so the early bird sometimes get the worm, I don't want the worm I want the good stuff. grin.
So thank you for the visit and do stop by again.
Have a great day

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