So if you readers recognize this photo please leave a comment on the bottom of this blog?
The same thing happened to me when my mother in law passed away, she had old photos, possibly relatives, who were they? I never knew. So this is important, write down who they are, even your immediate family, because through our lifetimes, our looks sometimes change quite a bit. This is very important. Think about it, many years from now when we are gone, our great great great grandchildren will be able to look at a photo of us, and say oh this is wonderful and they will marvel at how we looked and how we dressed, and hopefully be proud of us. We should also take pictures of our homes, our farms or even our cars. When I look at some of my old photos and see that my grandfather had a Model A Ford truck, it is something to behold.
One day we will be antiques grin and all our material things will also be antique and some of our descendants may marvel and what we had in our lifetime.
Changing the subject, our Bergeron-Damboise reunion plans are moving along just great. July will soon be here . Next week I am meeting with the one who is making the lunch, and I am anxious to meet her. I wish I were rich, because if I were rich, I would have some lobster or salmon to serve even as sandwiches to our guests, since some of them are coming for far away, I keep thinking in my mind, "What can I do that will make the guests really glad they came to the reunion? What could I do that would be special? I have come up with some things which I know they will all appreciate. I will share the results of our reunion with you when it is over.
Well I need to call it a day, I am packing and moving again. This time I am moving closer to my Mom as a matter of fact two doors down from her. That way I will be close by if I am needed.
Thank you for the lovely visit, do stop by again.
Have a great day
Greetings Aline,
I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog.
Please go to the GeneaBloggers Group blog at www.geneabloggers.com to see which geneablogger is featured this week.
Congratulations for the mention of your site on Geneabloggers today!
It is well-deserved!
Thank you Evelyn.
Kathryn, I just came from there and what a surprise, I am deeply honored to be featured along with Evelyn. So this means both Evelyn and I will try our very best to give our readers something interesting. Thank you Kathryn.
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