I was so pleased to receive a comment on my blog,just knowing you do come in and read my blog gives me incentive to continue writing.
I enjoy sharing my thoughts with you, so you can know what is in my heart at times. I love what I do, I love to be able to share my stories.
oh I just saw a rabbit running past my window, he was all white. I had spread some niger seeds on the snow, because I want to take my feeders with me to my new home, and the rabbit must like the seeds. smile.
I have added something new to my website, as you know some of our ancestors had names not used very much now days, and some names may be difficult to know if they were male or female, so I made a page and listed some men's names and some women's names. I also added female names derived from the male names, for example, noel and noella, albert and alberta. I may add more names on the page later. I believe that there will be some of you, who will benefit from both my site and Lucie's site. Lucie has so many good things on her site, I would honestly recommend you to visit her site, she had put a lot of work into it, and she does deserve a great big thank you from all of us.
So until next time, please do come in read my blogs, check out my site, check the forums and feel free to join in.
Have a great day
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