Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy New Year

Well the year is nearly over, and a new one will soon be beginning. So I would like to take this opportunity to wish each and everyone a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. May the New Year bring you much happiness.
Do you have a goal you want to achieve in the new year? If you don't have any, why don't you start a new project . For example, now would be the time to ask your relatives ,aunts,uncles,grandparents, mothers and fathers for little stories for you to write down and enter in your family history notes.If you have not started your family tree, this is a good time to do so. Before your relatives are all gone. Don't delay with this, you never know what tomorrow brings. Or start a journal , you don't have to be brainy to do this, just sit down when all is quite and jot down the events of your day, jot down something special that has happened, your son won something at school, your daughter is a cheerleader , your children got married, write down something about these things. I am telling you, someone later on will enjoy reading all of the stuff we write. My grandaughter has a book I wrote about the days of my Mother's youth, she cherishes the book, my grandson has one on his Papa (grandfather). Papa is gone but he has a book about him. Write stories about your pets, and their names and what they did , were they smart? Write about the birth of your grandchildren. Ask your grandparents for stories about their school days, what kind of car did they have, what did they do in the winter time, how did they spend their Christmas long ago. You will be amazed at the information you can gather. I have done this with my mother, and I am still asking questions, and writing them down. A few days ago, she told me when she went to school in a one room school house, her brother and cousin used to get to school first and light the stove, I never knew this and it was exciting to know. And sometimes when you ask aunts and uncles things and your parents, sometimes the same story gets bigger by everyone's views.
I would love to make a video of my Mom next year, she is going on 92 and has a great memory and I would love to have her share them on a video with me. We shall see.
So until next time Happy New Year everyone, and please stop by my store check out my stuff, I have Acadian,Cajun,Irish things and much more. You can see the flash images at the bottom of this blog or go to*
Have a great day

Monday, December 21, 2009

Hello everyone, I had a few minutes so thought I would come and blog.
The holidays will soon be here, and I am slowly getting things ready. Got the turkey, a 20 pounds, expecting my son and his family over for dinner. It has been quite a while since I fixed a big dinner, so keep your fingers crossed that I do everything right.
I have been busy with my website I added the Moncton City Directory 1949 . I added all the streets in Moncton and the households. I have been wanting to add this for quite some time but never seemed to have the time ,and finally I decided it's now or never. grin. You can find the directory at you will see a lit up NEW on the sidebar. I found my grandmother listed there, she was a widow then. I would have been around seven years old back then. I also added what was said at the beginning of the directory about Moncton.
Next I have been blogging elsewhere for my store, since I don't want to bug everyone too often. I have sold a few things, and everytime I sell something, even if it is only five dollars I get excited because I am not talented when it comes to creating fancy stuff, I am old fashion, and I create what is in my mind. I created a pair of Acadian Shoes, with all surnames on them. I like those. And I did some stuff with lobsters, wolves, these two are my lastest. Anyway if any of you want to look, you can go to the bottom of this blog and see a panel or you can go to*
My Chat n Brag room is growing we are now 71 members. My two groups on Facebook "Old Photos of New Brunswick" and "Williams dit Bristol" are growing also. So if any of these groups interest you check them out.
If you want to join our main genealogy group acadianrootsclub go to petiteacadienne group the url is on the sidebar, and from there I shall invite you to our main group. The members there are great.
For the ones who are just arriving here, you can view your christmas card on my acadian-roots website.
I know there are many readers coming to read my blog everyday and are not added to my followers, but I know you are reading this. To everyone of you, I thank you for believing in me and my blogs. A very Merry Christmas from my home to yours.
Have a great day

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Stories

Around Christmas there are many heartwarming stories, and there are also some sad stories. The sad stories are that there is almost always some tragedies or accidents,such as a home that burned in New Brunswick leaving a family of three homeless. But at least there were no injuries.
I don't know the cause of the fire, but please if you put up a real tree, make sure it is does not get dry, make sure it has plenty of water.
Also there are also heartwarming stories,such as Moncton's Turkey lady Sue Stultz who campains for turkeys. She sets a goal for the number of turkeys she wants and the deadline. All the turkeys are then sent to fill the Christmas Boxes for the needy. A very nice gesture.
I went to a used store this week and picked up a book called "It happened in New Brunswick" and in the book the author quotes from a newspaper article in December of 1961 the following:
"A note placed on a Christmas tree in Quarryville during the shipping season by a 9 year old Quarryville girl has ended up in Houston Texas. About 2.30 pm Wednesday Mayor D.A.Adams
received a long distance telephone call from Byrne Toucheck of Houston saying he had found a note asking for a doll for Christmas signed by Amber Connors of Quarryville N.B. He was asking Mayor Adams to look into the matter to see if there was such a child. Mr.Toucheck asked Mr. Adams if he was the mayor of Quarryville,as he did not know the size of the place or anything about it. Mayor Adams had telephoned and located Amber Connors daughter of Andrew Connors. The little girl said she had put a note on a tree in a carload of trees on the railroad track and ready for shipment. She had not told anyone about doing this until news of the note's arrival in Texas was received. Mr.Toucheck suggested to the mayor that he present the girl with a doll for Christmas.
A little boy named Egbert also did the same thing, except he could not read nor write in English, all he could do was write in French so either his grandmother or aunt wrote the following letter.
"Hello I am a little boy 8 years the 4th of December,I hope you think of me on Christmas Day,send me something for my Christmas.I like to have a pair of skates number 3. Please tell Santa to come here and don't forget me. He tied the letter to a Christmas tree that ended up in Detroit. The skates didn't arrive on Christmas Day but a couple of days after ,Egbert received a parcel in the mail with his skates. He was so proud of the skates that he kept them in the box for a long time showing them to everyone. This Detroit couple found their way to Egbert's home the following summer and kept sending him gifts every Christmas. Finally when Egbert became a man he went to Detroit and while he was there he went to their home.What a lasting friendship that was. And a beautiful story.
I find around Christmas that there are so many people with a good heart. They give if they can, and if they cannot they are also happy to see others giving . You can do so many things, that only takes some of your time. You can volunteer to drive, you can volunteer to deliver boxes for Christmas, you can stop by and see some seniors in nursing home with a hello and Merry Christmas. You can bake cookies and give them to friends, neighbors.
I do hope you liked todays blog. Oh and check out my skunk sticker at hope you get a smile from it. Until next time.
Have a great day

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Chit Chat

Today I would like to just chat chat with you. So I do hope you have your cuppa coffee ,tea or milk and relaxing. The weather is cold , it is minus 10, so Aline is staying where it is warm and cosy.
I have been busy with Christmas. Our tree is up and it looks pretty good. Of course I cannot take credit for it, my brother decorated it. I wish I had his talent, he is great at decorating, he decorates cakes that are gorgeous. His wedding cakes are so professional looking. And me??? Well you wouldn't want to see my cakes. grin.
My gifts are nearly all bought and wrapped. I have a few more to do. I am anxious for Christmas to come, my son and his family are coming over, and my Mom lives two door over and my siblings will be stopping by.
I have added more names to my Chartersville Cemetery, I have a long way to go to finish but if I add a page now and then it soon will be finished. You can find the cemetery at . As a matter of fact you can find lots of thing on my , I love my pages on the seniors who lived over 100 years. And I love the music I choose.
I am also busy creating stuff for my store at* .Yesterday I made some genealogy realated things. If you check out my tee shirts you will see a cute lady's shirt with a poem created by me. I sort of like it. I have a new genealogy mug in my miscellaneous folder and I have a few new things in acadian/cajun folder.
Now I started another blog called zazzyallicor which will focus on my store BUT I will also blog about genealogy and tidbits there. You can view the blog by clicking on my links here on the sidebar. Or the url is ,
I am still looking for anyone descending from Mathurin Guillaume Williams dit Bristol and Angelique Gauthier for my Williams dit Bristol group on Facebook and I am also looking for anyone who has old photos of New Brunswick and willing to share with us in my group of Old Photos of New Brunswick on Facebook.
So as you can see I have my hands full at the moment, and I have our acadianrootsclub genealogy group and our Chat and Brag group. Wow. "Calgon take me away". grin.
So as you can see this blog was about everything under the sun. smile. In case I don't have time to blog I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Safe Holiday.
You can view my Christmas Card to you at
Have a great day

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Acadian Soldiers

In my last blog I mentioned the journal of the english soldier Jonathan Bancroft who overseen the deportation of the Acadians from Grand Pre in 1755. This is more precious than gold,it is a part of our history come to light through the eyes of a simply 30 year old soldier. If he were alive today he would be surprised at seeing how important this little diary of his was.
Speaking of soldiers, our Acadian Ancestors fought in wars too. There was the battle of Bloody Creek in the 18th century, then Beausoleil Broussard was a freedom fighter.
The Acadians were not fighters as a rule but there were Acadians in the Military,in Canada or elsewhere. In Canada's two World Wars, they were soldiers but rarely officers. Some Acadians were involved in the major American war in the 19th century, the American Civil War. Most Cajuns like more Creole officers where on the side of the Confederacy defending Louisiana. They even had their own general Alfred Mouton. He was killed in action at the age of 35. He was the first American Hero of Acadian origin.
There were also Acadians on the blue side as well as the gray. Dosithe Porelle was born in Shediac NB ,he joined the New Hampshire Volunteers in 1862. He fought in the famous battles of Wilderness and Shenandoah Valley. He was promote many times for bravery proving that Acadians were good in military action. Today we have Acadian soldiers all over the world, Cyprus,Bosnia,Afghanistan. I am certain that all these Acadian soldiers have families at home ,waiting who are so very proud of them.
Now to my store information. Remember the song the 12 days of Christmas? Well today is the third day of Christmas Deals, Today any orders over 25 dollars gets free shipping, and the mugs of yesterday is still on, buy two get 50% off. Just in case this message touches someone who wants to buy something for Christmas. The code will be at my store that you use at the checkout.
Have a great day thanks for the visit

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Pass It on

I just wanted to pass this along, and to tell you to pass it along to all your friends.
Remember that I had talked about the journal of an english soldier who overseen the Deportation of the Acadians in 1755? Well a copy is on line, and thanks to my friend Effie who found it for me I would like to share it with each one of you. So if you blog pass the url around so that everyone will be able to read it. There are 40 pages to download. I just did and it sure looks for interesting reading. This is something new that we did not know about. Something through the eyes of an English soldier. Enjoy and have a great day.

Our Senior Citizens

I would like to do my blog first then I will talk about the image on the upper left so please read the entire blog.
My blog today is about our seniors and why they are so very important.
Seniors are people who have so many things to share with us, if we take the time to listen. Have you ever wondered about the times your grandparents were young? Have you ever wondered what they did every day? How did they pass their time? I often wish , I had talked to my grandmother and her sister years ago, before they passed away. Now it is to late to do so. My Mom told me her mother and aunt had a very good memory and they could have told me so many stories. Today I would be there sitting and listening to them and making notes on every thing they said. Had I not listened to Mom, I would never have known that when my grandfather worked in lumber camps as a filer, my grandmother used to cut the lumbermen's hair for twenty five cents a cut. Back then, that was a lot of money. Nor would I know that my grandfather travelled to work,all over the country, to the USA and Canada, and many times he would take his family with him. These are things that we want to pass on to our descendants, to let them know the real stories about the ways our ancestors lived. In the french paper L'Etoile, last week there was an article on a lady who turned 103 years old. This lady was born in Caraquet but she lived in Moncton since 1975. She is in good health , a little hard of hearing. She remembers spending her youth on her parent's farm. She said they had lots of animals on the farm. She said she remember in school the teacher telling her she could teach children because she had such a great memory. She said we always had a farm, my father wasn't rich but we needed nothing. She is 103 and remembers all the names of her 17 grandchildren. She said she often goes out to the restaurant with her children. She loves to play cards. She said she walks a little in the hallway . I bet if we asked her more questions, we would probably be amazed at her answers. This is what I mean, if we have seniors, in nursing homes, an occasional visit with our pen and paper or even a recorder could result in so many good stories to pass on. I bet if you asked them, how they spent Christmas long long ago, you would be surprised and interested in what they said. So please remember, if you have seniors in your family or among your relatives, now is the time to preserve their memories. Do not pass up the chance to do so.
Now comes the reason for the photo above, Theresa from just awarded me this Kreative Blogger Award, thank you Theresa. In turn I would like to give the award to two that I believe is deserving of it. First to Lynn LaBauve at , and next to Rick Arsenault at . I know there are many bloggers out there who really deserve awards. In return for the award we have to list 7 things about ourselves.
1. I have been into genealogy since 1976
2. I have never tired of doing genealogy
3.I have in my possession a DVD made from an old movie in which my mother and father are on in, and this movie was in the Centre D'etude Acadienne Archives. Thanks to Regis and Ronnie.
4.I created a genealogy website of which I am very proud of.
5.I have Acadian,French Canadian,English and Native American Blood flowing in my veins.
6.I have two genealogy groups one is a backdoor to get into my main one.
7.I have created lots of Acadian /Cajun stuff on my store.
Note if any of you wants the urls for my groups, or store, or website leave a comment.
Thank you for stopping by,
Until next time
Have a great day

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

More on Acadian Deportation

I just wanted to come share this with you before I lose the url. It was posted in our local transcript today. So please pass this story around. It is a great find, as I mentioned in my last blog. About the discovery of a journal written during the Expulsion of the Acadians seen from the eyes of an English Soldier. Very powerful and I am anxious to read this ten page journal.
I believe this journal tells us that the Acadians didn't just walk gracefully to the boats, they resisted . I was telling Mom this morning . Just think if someone would come into our homes and divide the family, take my sisters away, and my brothers in another boat what would you do? Mom who is 91 replied." I would fight as hard as I could ".
Anyway I shall post a longer blog next time. Here is the article in the newspaper,please pass it on.