Saturday, October 04, 2008

ED BARRIEAU, on a Sad Note, yesterday after returning from the funeral parlor to pay my respects to my brother's mother in law , I logged on my computer to check my emails messages going to our acadianrootsclub genealogy group, and I was saddened to receive and post a message regarding one of our members . His name was Ed Barrieau, I am sure many of you have met or talked to him on the phone, he was a genealogist and a very nice gentleman. He lived in New Mexico. If anyone would happen to carry a conversation with him, he would say, "Call Me".
If he saw something that was wrong on our message boards , right away he would reply and correct us. On the message written to us by his daughter in law, she states that he really enjoyed our genealogy group, that made me feel good. He had not posted on our board in a while and not long ago, I asked about him.
I know our group will miss Ed and I know Paul LeBlanc's group will also miss him.
So if you knew Ed Barrieau or even if you didn't , just mention him in passing when you say your prayers.
On a lighter note, and still speaking of funerals, this morning George and I went to the funeral of my brother's mother in law. The church was very small, but nice. I had done that cemetery a while back, it was mostly an irish cemetery but lots of acadians buried there. Anyway I was sitting in the pew, and the priest began to speak, I looked at him, and I said to myself, I knew him. But as we get older we change a bit, and he was older , white hair, but listening to his speech, I said yes that is him. So after the service we went below the church for a lunch, and he came down. George said go talk to him, I was a bit hesitant at first but I got brave and up I walked to the priest. I said are you Father????, he replied yes I am. I said I know you don't remember me, but we were in the same school class for eight years. He said what is your last name, I said my first one is Aline, he was still trying to remember, when I said my surname, Yes he remembered and I said my brother John is over there, Oh he said I must go talk with him. So off he went to chat with my brother, he was telling the family John used to beat him up in School, but I am sure he was teasing. I asked him about his sister who also was in my class. He told me she married a guy from Newfoundland. It would be nice to see her sometimes. But it sure is a small world. This priest has been in the priesthood for 40 years.
Then another lady I knew from long ago, said hello to me, she was one of the kitchen volunteers and I knew her back in the 1960s hadn't seen her for ages.
Funerals are sad, but funerals also brings old friends and family that have not seen one another for a long time together and that is a good thing.
Thanks for the lovely visit, stop by anytime.
Have a great day.


Velda said...

I'm sorry for your family's loss Aline! ((Hugs)) How nice to find old friends tho.

alineskee said...

Thank you Velda.