Spring water. Well today my two jugs were empty so we went to our favorite spring. If you remember the fall photo I posted earlier ,well this spring is in the same area. It is quite busy, when we were told there would be a big storm coming, we headed out to the spring and there was a line up of cars already there ,waiting for their turn to fill up.
Today there were two cars ahead of us. It is a very nice site and kept very clean.
Well I decided to put some christmas lights in my front window, do you think I could find my staple gun? Nope, so I went to my Mom's home and borrowed hers, but I had half of my window done and poof the staple gun won't work. So I had to use some thumb tacks to finish. When I won't be looking for my staple gun, it is for sure it will shop itself. grin.
I have added the Mont Carmel Cemetery in PEI on my site at www.acadian-roots.com , it is not the entire names in the cemetery,but quite a few. Next year I would like to go back and do more. I do know that the genealogy center in PEI does have some cemeteries done and for sale, and the prices are pretty good.
I would like to go and do the recent stones also. A possible project for next summer.And I have also added more names to Chartersville Road Cemetery in Dieppe New Brunswick on my site.
Now I would like to end this blog with an announcement. In the year 2009 , the Societe Historique de St Jean will be having a commemoration of the 250th anniversary of Hazel destruction of Pointe Ste Anne (Fredericton),as you know many acadians lost their lives and homes, there were Bergerons,Godins,Pare,Saindon and others. So it would be nice to see Godin, Bellefontaines, Pare,Saindon,Heberts,Serreau etc attending this day. They are also trying to get the Federal Government to declare the location of the Acadian Church and Cemetery a historic landmark. So my Bergeron lists are planning a Bergeron dit Damboise reunion at the same time in Fredericton ,and Larry Bergeron is taking names of the ones who would like to attend, his email is
larrybergeron@earthlink.net so if you are interested in joining the Bergeron dit Damboise reunion in 2009 send him an email.
thanks for the lovely visit and do drop in again.
Have a nice day
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