Fall has arrived, with the fall comes the cooler nights but for a short while we can enjoy nature in its full fall colors splenders. yesterday we went for a drive in the country, we went to find someone's home. Well we did find the house and it was hidden from view and a long way from the main road. Many of us say to ourselves IF we were rich we would go to other countries, but if we look very close at our own surroundings, there are beautiful places we have not stumbled upon. I remember one year, a friend and I went to check out an estate sale. We had never gone that way before. Well when we arrived the estate was again far from the main road, and from the road we could not see it. I was amazed at the beauty of the place. They had a fish pond and a little canoe , they had a brook like the one above situated on their property just down the hill. The house was gorgeous inside. I could not believe the beauty of it, and not knowing it was so close to home. So when you go for a Sunday Drive, sometime take a back road that you have never gone on. Make sure your gas tank is full tho, you would not want to run out of gas and have to walk. Now would be a perfect time or maybe next week to take that Sunday Drive through the old back roads to see the beautiful fall colors.
I love the photo above that I took yesterday, I love scenery with water and little brooks and streams. But if you have a dream about going on a vacation elsewhere , do so. I would love to see Crail Scotland one day, it is a beautiful little village near Dunfermline in Scotland. A friend of mine made a painting for me of Crail and sent it to me from Scotland. The painting shows three fishing boats and my friend put my maiden surname on one of the boats. Go to google, type in Crail Scotland and see how beautiful Crail Scotland is.
On another note and speaking of the United Kingdom, I belong to Genes Reunited, I am not a paid member BUT today I received a message that there is a MARTIN DAVEY who has registered, he may not be a paid member either, BUT he has a name that could possibly connect to my CHATE line. He has a Charles Chate born 1795 in Deptford England, I have a brother to my Abraham named Charles also born 1795 in Deptford England. Boy I wish I could contact him to see if he has anything that would help me with my CHATE line. So if any of you are a member of GENES REUNITED, maybe you could contact this Martin Davey, that is all I know of him.
Last night I began wrapping the toys for our Christmas Toy Drive. What I did, is once they were wrapped I added a tag, on the tag I wrote Boy age 4 plus or Girl age 3 plus from Texas USA, or Darthmouth NS and so on. We have a name the Toy Dogs contest going in our Chat n Brag, our members are giving a name for two dogs one brown and one black n white, once the names are all in , we are going to vote on the best two names, then I will put the names on the toy dogs ,probably on a tag around their neck, and say something like " Hello my name is Spot".
We are having fun at the same time, we are doing a good thing for the needy or sick children.
We have a deadline for the gift certificates , which will be on November 15th in order for me to buy the toys , get them wrapped and prepare for my holidays . But if someone prefers to send the toys then that deadline can be up to the third week before Christmas so that we can deliver them in time.
Our christmas gift exchange between the members of our genealogy group is October 31 so that we can pick the names, my Mom who is 90 years of age, will be doing the name drawing, it will be something new for her .
Well I think I have talked your ears off today, grin, thank you so much for the lovely visit, do stop by again.
Have a great day