Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I always wonder where the saying "Busy as a Bee" came from or Busy as a Beaver. Well I really don't know , but I have been there, busy as can be.grin. Hello everyone, the weather is gorgeous, the trees are blossoming, the flowers are springing up. We are not as early with our flowers as elsewhere tho, I received some photos from Scotland from my friends, they have beautiful flowers, all different kinds, pansy are pretty. There is one tree across from my new home, that looks lke a purple lilac tree but looking closer they are not Lilacs, not sure what kind they are. I have little balcony off of my living room, and I am so tempted to add a little bird feeder there, although I am not sure if the birds would come since the balcony is quite low.
On another note, I am debating on adding something new to my website, I have asked my members of my Chat Room and am now asking members of my genealogy group their opinions on this. It has been created, just not added for now.
I also am doing another cemetery that my friend Maria did for me, she did a great job for her first attempt, there are lots of names to be added. She had sent me the photos but due to spamming I had to remove them, so now I will add the names and whoever will want a copy of the photo of a stone I will send it to them. So that project is being done as we speak. I have added one page out of five or more .
And now we are gearing up for our big Bergeron d'Amboise reunion being held July 25 2009 in Fredericton. Now the ideas are popping up , what to do, what we need, where we will sleep, there will be another celebration at the same time regarding when the english raided Pointe Sainte Anne, and massacred many Acadians and chased them from their homes, so this is going to be a big event. If you have ancestors who lived in Sainte Anne de Pays Bas, then don't miss this event. And if you have Barthelemy Bergeron dit Damboise and his wife Genevieve Serreau dit Saint Aubin in your lines and are interested in our big Bergeron dit Damboise reunion please let me know ,our Bergeron group at googles will register you. I am very anxious to go, because I am going to meet a new found cousin, (who hasnt registered yet,grin) and her family. There will be lots of stories, and photo taking while we are there.
Also next year is the Acadian Congres Mondial in Caraquet New Brunswick, and I am hoping to meet many members of my acadianrootsclub group .If you want more information about the Congres Mondial go to my website www.acadian-roots.com go towards the bottom of the sidebar and click on Congres Mondial ,there is lots of information ,that is the official CMA 2009 site.
I have mentioned Maria doing a cemetery for me, I cannot forget to mention that Rick and I have a project going also, he has walked through many cemeteries of Cumberland County and taken photos of the stones, which he will be adding on his site and I shall be adding the index on my site. I will add a link going to Rick's site on my index pages so you will have an easy time to navigate between both sites.
And Effie has sent me a cemetery book , that I really appreciate, from her book I can verify some dates and it is going to benefit me in helping others. so to Maria,Rick and Effie thank you, I am also receiving some stuff from Paul and from Don, so thank you both. As you can see , I have a great group of members in my acadianrootsclub, for genealogy, and also Paul LeBlanc has an acadian group on rootsweb to which I belong also. I am trying not to forget anyone. grin.
So, I know understand what "Busy as a Bee means" grin. Thanks for the lovely visit, do drop in again. Have a great day.

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